I don't get you
Hey. You. Yeah, you. You who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. You who keep discovering the existence of miracle cures that they don’t want us to know about. I want you to know that I see you. I’ve read your Tweets, your Facebook posts, your comments on the corporate intranet.
And I don’t fucking get you.
You say that the COVID-19 vaccine is too risky to take. Too experimental. You refuse to be the subject of a science project.
I don’t get it.
Vaccination is some of the oldest and most proven medical technology we have. It’s been used to eradicate formerly deadly diseases like smallpox and polio. Countless millions of lives have been saved because of it. It’s true that mRNA vaccines are relatively new, but the science has been studied for decades. Now with hundreds of millions of people vaccinated worldwide, they’re looking pretty goddamn good.
Yet you claim that this vaccine is deadly. You cite a tool called VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, to suggest that 13,000 people have died from getting vaccinated.
This I don’t get.
VAERS is largely self-reported. The data is not scientifically collected or validated. Anyone can submit a report, which means that the 13,000 number is already suspect. But let’s assume it’s true. Let’s assume that 13,000 people have died shortly after getting vaccinated. It does not follow that the vaccine killed them. Especially since in the earlier stages, the elderly and those with serious medical conditions were given priority. You would expect people in this cohort to have a higher than average mortality rate.
And I really don’t get why 13,000 deaths would make the vaccine intolerably risky, but 630,000 deaths mean that the disease itself is no big deal.
You claim you’re just asking questions about alternative treatments. You wonder why you’re being censored when your posts about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are removed. All you want is an open and civil debate.
Let me tell you something: I don’t get this.
You’re so sure that the medical establishment, however you define it, is lying to you. Because the CDC is not right about everything 100% of the time, you’ve determined that it makes more sense to trust medical advice from podcasters whose major sponsors are themselves purveyors of dubious medical treatments. Doctors can’t be trusted, you cry, and yet you are always willing to seize upon the claims of anyone who claims to have a medical degree if they confirm what you already believe. You’re not suspicious when your sources include websites with other articles about topics like alien spacecraft and Jewish bankers.
You think the important thing is that we are polite to each other and allow all “sides” to be heard. You think if nobody is swearing then no harm is done. You don’t realize that what’s truly obscene is people with no medical background recommending livestock dewormer to victims of a global pandemic. You think even moronic ideas deserve a respectful hearing.
I don’t get why you think that.
You refuse to be “forced” to take the vaccine in order to keep your job. Your body is your temple. Yet you don’t have the courage of your convictions. If you did, you would resign. In fact, usually you are quite supportive of the rights of business owners to do whatever they want, including exploiting their workers and discriminating against their customers, so long as they’re doing so for some sincerely held beliefs. Or, you know, to make enough money to take a joyride into lower orbit.
You also think that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional. Did you think that when your kids had to get vaccinated before attending school? Did you think that when you joined the military? Did you think that when you had to get a bunch of shots before traveling around the world? Have you ever thought about this before, or only now that people on Facebook who profit from your fear are telling you so?
Man, I just don’t get it.
You’re convinced that Bill Gates is implanting 5G chips into people with these vaccines, and that they are turning people magnetic. Really. That’s what you really think.
Wow. Even other crazy people don’t get you.
I don’t get you, and I’m going to stop trying to. I’m done.